Absent evidence that a parent or timeshare poses a risk to the child’s health safety or welfare, the Court is bound to observe the law setting forth preference for a child to have equal access to each parent. The laws concerning father’s visitation rights can be very complex and often require the help of a skilled family law attorney who can inform you of your rights as a parent and help you fight for your rights as a father. We have helped hundreds of fathers demonstrate to the Court that an...
Did You Know that the Court Can Order that More than 2 People Are the Legal Parent of a Child?
Guideline Child Support Child Support in California is based on guidelines that calculates the amount of support that your child is entitled to based on your income, the other parent’s income, and the timeshare that you spend with your child. Each source of income can be treated differently in calculating support, so it is imperative to have an attorney knowledgable to assist you in presenting your income to the Court. Likewise, the presentation of your expenses and deductions can be extremely...
Why Should I Hire a Lawyer to Help Me with My Divorce?
There are numerous reasons you should hire and attorney, even if you think the divorce will be amicable or uncontested. You don’t know what you don’t know. The laws governing the divorce process are complex. How do you know that your settlement is fair? How do you know that your agreement as written can be enforced? You can’t protect yourself if you do not know the law. If you do not have the expertise to handle your divorce, you need to retain counsel that does. Divorces are emotional....